Monday, June 30, 2014

Too Much Information Friday........

My friend Brad has encouraged us all to join him in celebrating "Too Much Information Friday" on Facebook. Fridays will be a day when you can pronounce to the world silly little facts that you may not usually share.  I am capable of being the queen of "Too Much Information".  The thought of sharing completely random and unnecessary tidbits crosses my mind quite often.  I try hard not to act on it.  The most embarrassing information is kept under wraps which some of you may find hard to believe!  I have just finished reading Chelsea Handler's first 4 books and must say that compared to her I am one of the most tame, uptight people on the planet.  She leaves nothing to the imagination and throws it all out there.  I was highly entertained and inspired to try to let loose a little more.  This won't happen overnight.  All things take time and in some instances high quantities of alcohol.

This morning I was thinking about the loaded question:  "How Are You Doing?".  Most of us ask this of people we run into and haven't seen in awhile.  The majority of them will say they are doing fine--and you?  You will  reply that all is fine in your world and then you can go on to talk about the weather or whatever safe topics come to mind.  Some people take the question literally and give you much more than you bargained for.  Some of us are very patient and kind, but others, such as my husband have a hard time standing still when acquaintances go into graphic detail about the size of the kidney stone they just passed or their arthroscopic anal probe.  I've had women I barely know get descriptive about issues with their menstrual cycles or other "lady" part problems that I really would rather not know about.  In my adult life I have never even considered giving my private parts names or titles.  They really don't need to figure into any conversations. Don't even get me started on bodily fluids.  It appears that I am squeamish when it comes to secretions that originate from inside the body.  I've had people laugh and tell me they sharted.  I would be mortified if I somehow ended up with a large brown stain on my underwear.  I wouldn't want anyone to know.  Skid marks and speaking of them should be avoided at all costs.  Nursing as a profession is obiously out for me.  I can actually hold it together with family members or close friends until it comes to mucus.  Even typing that word makes me gag.

Of course not all detailed answers have to do with medical issues.  I have heard religious, political and other rants.  Most of the time I really don't mind letting people vent.  It can honestly be said that I care about people and want to help anyone in any way that I can.  There are a couple people in particular who I know of that cross the line on personal information though.  There is one in particular that I only run into every few years.  I am not alone in trying to get by undetected.  I feel terrible that I want to run away and hide when they are in the immediate area.  I want to be a better person--to stand and take one for the team.  I t is so hard though.  This person can talk without taking a breath for hours.  They don't realize that your eyes are glazing over and you are looking for an exit.  Every terrible thing that has ever happened to this person spews forth in great detail.  You can't even get a word in edgewise.   You are held prisoner to graphic accounts of terrible situations.  You feel so badly but at the same time wonder if it is karma.