Friday, May 19, 2023

Defending The Maine


     I am not a person who likes drama; I usually shy away from conflict. With that said, I do feel compelled to stand up for a band that I love and that I believe in. This is a band who has been nothing but "real" and has done more for their fanbase than any other band that I know. The same people who put them up on a pedestal are now tossing them off because they are offended by a choice that the band made, a choice that I believe is noble and brave.

    I am sure that I will be skewered for those up in arms, but there has to be a voice of reason that speaks to this pitchfork and torch carrying mob who want the band to go against their own principles to appease them. I only hope that you will look at things from a different perspective and think about the situation as a whole before you roast me. Things aren't always black and white--there are many shades of grey. 

     ATL has been trying to defend themselves against allegations that they have stated over and over again are false. Have you ever considered that just maybe they are telling the truth? I am not victim shaming or standing up for those who abuse others. I have been abused but also know people who have been falsely.  Where are these supposed victims? Do you know them personally? If there are 97 victims wouldn't at least one step forward and make a case against the band? Right now it is all hearsay. It is easy to spread false information on the internet. It is done every day and obviously can be completely detrimental. ATL has been trying to clear this up through the proper channels for awhile now but everyone just wants to assume they are guilty without giving them the benefit of the doubt. Guilty until proven innocent--that is the opposite of the justice system. 

     Put yourself in the shoes of TM. Your good friends have been accused of something that they swear they didn't do. You know them better than anyone else. You believe them. Do you distance yourself from your friends because you don't want to be judged or do you stand by them and support them? A good friend stands next to you when times are tough. TM is choosing to be good friends; that is to be commended. TM is being true to themselves and we should never expect anything else. I believe in The Maine and stand by them. Any true fan should. Shaming them when they are standing firm in a choice that they made is not going to endear them to you or your ridiculous demands. 

     As for TM not explaining themselves, apologizing or whatever else you are wanting from them--why should they? They are most likely hurt, disappointed and frustrated by the way their so called fans are acting. Do you feel that you need to explain yourself to everyone who questions you and your motives? Sometimes you have to look into your heart and stand up for what you believe in. Those who are emotionally mature can respect that even if they don't agree with it. There is no need to dramatize the situation and judge those who don't agree with your line of thinking. 

    I will not miss the once in a lifetime show on 8*1*23 or the Fest--no regrets. Whatever you are. However you are. Wherever you are. You are 8123 & You are OK.