Thursday, March 19, 2015

I wish I was a dog whisperer...........

It's a mystery.  Not one that many people would take an interest in, but a mystery all the same.  There is a chance that my sweet, blue-eyed baby just may not be as sweet as I think he is.  Dempsey turned nine months old this week.   He is still a funny guy with a charming personality, but he may also have decided that his best friend is not welcome on my bed.  Maybe Dempsey has nothing to do with it, but something has happened recently and without a dog psychic I may never know what the deal is.  Yes--maybe it is time for you non-dog people to stop reading.  This is a dog blog.  You know I am a sappy dog mom, so this one is for those who can relate.

Up until last week, our king sized bed was a happy place where the dogs liked to cuddle with me while I read or napped.  Each morning when Antone let Rooney out of Kyle's room he would run in and kiss me good morning before going out to do his business.  He would then race back up the stairs and cuddle in tight until I got up.   If I read in bed at other times he would come cuddle as well.  Rooney is two and a half, so this is a well established routine and one that I guess I took for granted.  Since Rooney is Kyle's dog, he sleeps in Kyle's room.  Dempsey sleeps in our bed.  It is not something that Antone is happy about many nights, but that is where he has ended up.  He was such a cute little lonely puppy at first.  I couldn't leave him alone in the kennel all night.  I let him on the bed.  Now he is over 70 pounds and takes up some space.  He has always shared with Rooney though--there is plenty of room.

I can't pinpoint the exact day, but recently Rooney stopped coming to kiss me good morning.  I can live without the sloppy, wet morning kiss, so wasn't too concerned.  That has now turned into the fact that Rooney will not come near my bed n the morning.  He paces the room, lays by the bedroom door and ignores me when I call him.  I try to get him to come to me and he pointedly looks away.  He won't come near the bed.  Dempsey watches as I call him--he cuddles in very close to me.  Is he giving Rooney the stink eye and I don't know it.  Is he projecting a message saying this is my space and my mom and you aren't welcome up here anymore?   Maybe......   Antone tried putting Rooney up on the bed with me yesterday.  He wouldn't jump up on his own even with us giving him the green light.  We practically begged him to jump up and visit.  He looked away.   Once he was put up there physically he seemed okay--not his cuddly self though.   Today I tried again.  No dice.  

When I got up and went to the shower he jumped up on the bed and played with Dempsey.  Is it me?  Did I offend the dog?   He and Dempsey still play together and are buds.  The drama centers around the bed.  Is the bed haunted and Dempsey is immune?  Is my CPAP machine scary?  The mask is off by the time Rooney is up and around.   The machine looks like a clock radio or something--not big or intimidating.   I have heard of people trying to figure ways to keep their dogs off of the furniture.  I never seem to be in the norm....   I don't want to believe that Dempsey would have anything to do with this new behavior.  I guess I will see how the next few weeks unfold.  It could actually be a conspiracy from my husband to get me to cuddle more with him.   Hmmm..........

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