Thursday, October 8, 2015

Shoe Shopping Blues...........

Once upon a time I was a young average sized girl with normal average size 8 feet.  I had all of the shoes I could ever want and then some.  I lived blissfully unaware of the fact that pregnancy and weight gain do a number on your feet as well as the rest of your body.   With each pregnancy my feet grew a 1/2 inch.  They sort of spread out and turned into these size 9.5 wide Fred Flinstone feet that sometimes required a 10.  My square feet didn't much like cute pointy shoes or high heels.  Luckily for me I love Converse and flats.  I had to ditch all of my old shoes and start over again.  Several years ago I found a pair of clogs that I really liked.  They were comfortable and they gave me some height.  I don't necessarily have a problem with being 5'5", but most of my nicer jeans are long and adding a few inches gives me a false sense of looking a tiny bit slimmer.  Height/weight proportion  is something that a pair of three foot heels might help with, but in my mind just adding those few inches helps just enough to keep me happy.  The clogs were awesome, simple and amazingly comfortable.  Like many things, they wore out in time.  The staples holding them together started coming out.  There were only so many times that my husband could play shoemaker and hammer them back together.  Sadly one day when they were around six or seven years old they had to be retired to the Goodwill pile.  I promised myself I would find another pair.  That was over two years ago.

My closet is comprised of several pairs of cute flats, way too many pairs of tennis shoes, an assortment of flip flops (formerly known as thongs) and two pairs of boots that I really like.  There is also a pair of black heels hidden somewhere that I really can't wear but keep just in case someday they magically fit better.  Maybe if I lose weight my feet will too and some of the shoes that seem tight might suddenly be okay.  It could happen!  What my closet is lacking is a tall pair of clog like shoes that I can wear with my jeans when it is jeans day at work ~the day we can wear jeans if we dress them up a bit.  I think they call it business casual or something.  I actually get texts from my new job telling me I can wear jeans sometimes when it is not Friday!  That is awesome--I love wearing jeans.  Yes--I am off track!  I ordered a pair of clogs a few months back from Zulily.  I got a great deal on a pair of Danskos and of course because I ordered them online I didn't try them on beforehand.  I've had great success with shoes form Zulily before and figured all would be well.  The Danskos came and they were not your standard clogs, they had a back.  I tried to put them on, ready for the nice leather to stretch and form to my foot.  Somehow I transformed into one of the ugly step sisters trying on the glass slipper.  My foot would not contort to fit into the shoe.  At one point I sort of got them on~I thought if I could only get my foot to fit I could stretch them.  The cramps in my feet were so bad that I couldn't keep my foot in them to do any stretching.  Today was a Jeans day at work and my new jeans are too long, I pulled the Danskos out of the closet and nothing has changed.  I couldn't figure out what the issue was.  I was sure that I checked the size chart right.  The sizes are European.  It turns out that I misread the chart and was trying to squeeze my big feet into an 8.5.  Damn non refundable shoes, damn size chart, damn me for not reading it right--they are perfect and they will never fit my feet.   Back to the drawing board.  I took my depressed self shoe shopping during my short lunch break today.  I thought that if I could find a cute pair of clog like shoes that would fit and look good with my jeans my mood would improve.  There was more toe scrunching and misery.  It seems that style doesn't even like my foot when I try a 9.5 or 10.  I need backless clogs--the normal kind that used to be easy to find.  Tonight I talked my husband into taking me to two  more stores--no luck.  Now I am bound and determined to find the perfect shoe.  Of course he is not sympathetic since in his mind I have a zillion shoes and so what if they are all flat and my jeans drag on the ground--roll them up.

I will not let my failure to procure shoes today get me down. It may not be tomorrow, it may not even be next week, but some day soon I will find the shoes that I am looking for.  They will be cute, they will fit comfortably and they will look amazing with my jeans.  When I wear them I will look an eensy, teensy bit thinner and that will give me confidence.  Silly I know--I shouldn't let shoes dictate my mood, but sometimes I can't help it.  I'm a girl!!  Even ugly step sisters with Fred Flinstone feet deserve cute shoes!!!

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