Thursday, December 10, 2015

Who are you? Are you my Who?

I recently picked up a book that is NOT by Dr. Seuss though it kind of sounds like it could be.   "The Power of Who" came to my attention when I learned about it during a recent speech.  We were at an event when all of the sudden things quieted down for some type of presentation.  I was distracted as usual until I was nudged and told that I was needed near the microphone.  I love being behind the scenes and making the magic happen.  I don't like being in the limelight.  True to form I cried as my friend Tammie told the group that I was her "who".   She had read a book by Bob Beaudine that states you already know everyone that you need to know in life.  Mixed into all of those people is the one that is going to push you and make you accomplish things that you couldn't have accomplished otherwise.  I was not the one with the vision, I was not the one putting in the work--all I did was cheer Tammie and her husband on, offer my assistance and put key people into place who could help her to achieve a goal that others told her was not possible.  They built a soccer club for a very special group of kids that no one else wanted to build a club for.  I was touched that she put so much stock into my minor role in the endeavor. When giving it more thought I actually decided that I was proud to have been named as her "who".  I would like to be a professional "who"~steering people in the right direction and patting them on the back when they cross the finish line.  I genuinely love people and want the world to live happily ever after.  Being a who is kind of like being Santa, The Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy all in one.  Who's are rock stars--I am The Who. Who would have thought?  Sorry, I went off on a "who" tangent.  This whole who thing is pretty awesome.

I picked up the book because I had to know more about what a who was and how I could get one for myself.   Of course anyone who knows me knows that I have a couple of shelves full of great Non-Fiction, self-help, affirmation types of books that I mean to read and then don't.  I like their titles, I love the names of the chapters and I really like the thought of reading them.  I just don't make the time.  I put them aside and dive into fiction because fiction is just so much less work.  What's ironic is that I would like to write a few of these books but who would read them?  They would be bought by well meaning people like me and sit on shelves like mine.

I am going to carve out some time for The Power of Who. According to the acknowledgements and the table of contents (the two parts of the book I've actually read so far) I have a whole army of who's already!  Maybe you are one of them!!  I need to dig deeper.  I find myself once again at a crossroads with more questions than answers.  I have stood at this same crossroads more times than is healthy and I would like to choose right this time.  I have decisions to make and goals to map out.  I am surrounded by cheerleaders, but none of them know exactly what to cheer for since I'm always spinning in circles and chasing shiny objects.   It is time to slow down, sit down, do some evaluating and actually finish reading this book and a couple of others on my shelves.  Reading them can't hurt anything and they just might help.

When I learn about who's, what's, when's and why's I will write another part to this post.  I will shower you with all kinds of information and encouragement.  If you are really interested in it you may not want to wait for me and grab the book for yourself.  The author states that he found himself at a time in his life where he gave himself permission to stop dreaming and start doing.  I think it's about time that I give myself that same permission as well.  In the meantime go out there and be somebody's who!  Helping others achieve their goals and dreams is amazing!  Tammie~I have no doubt that you are one of my who's!

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