Monday, February 25, 2013

Fat Chicks in Spandex..........

When it became evident that I didn't know what I wanted to study in college, I took a "year" off so that I could figure out what my career interest was going to be.  Of course that year stretched into many years as is often the case in those situations.  I wasn't anything special, but I sure wanted to be.   Who doesn't??  I had big plans, big dreams and REALLY big hair.  It was the 80's and I was young and felt like the cover girl for "average".  I was average height,  average weight, average IQ--I had brown hair, brown eyes and was too pale.  I was so tired of being average and wanted to find some way to stand out.  I loved music and was drawn to musicians.  I knew I was a bit too straight laced for the music scene, but I was curious and had time on my hands. I decided that one way to stop being average was to step out of  my comfort zone.

I spent four years dating the drummer for a metal band.  They had bigger hair than me, wore spandex and filled a creative void that I was missing at that time.  It was so fun to be able to either just be me in jeans and a t-shirt with no make up or to transform myself into a hard rocking diva in short skirts and high heels.  Okay, so I was always a little too "girl next door" to really pull of the hard rocker chick look, but I had fun trying!  

Because I was a skinny girl who had no clue what it was like to be heavy, I co-wrote a song for the band called "Fat Chicks in Spandex."  Another skinny girlfriend helped me and the band put music to it.  It was meant to be funny, but the band decided that some girls could take it personally and that would be hurtful, so it wasn't played often at all.

Fast forward 25 years.  My skinny friend and I are a bit chunky.  We would never be caught dead in spandex, not then and not now.  I do have a hard time relating to that skinny girl who thought the song she co-wrote was so funny.  The skinny girl who didn't have a clue what age, bad choices and not enough exercise could do to that cute little figure she was sporting.  How I wish I could have that figure and this brain.  Life would rock!!

Several of the band guys are still playing together after all these years.  I get invites to check out one of their gigs often.  I always have good intentions on going and saying hi.  I don't think they care that I have become a chunky chick.  I believe they would be happy to see me regardless.  Sometimes it is  hard to revisit those old haunts when you are self conscious of your big butt and muffin top.   I am working on either losing weight or learning to love myself regardless of my size. My husband has no desire to go see the band.  He would rather I didn't as well.  I love seeing old friends and catching up.  Maybe I will find a friend or two brave enough to venture out with me.  No spandex, but maybe for fun we could sport big hair and a little bling!!

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