Monday, June 24, 2013

Blah Blog......

It seems that as we get older feeling good becomes a choice that we make.  I know the things that I need to do to feel better and to have more energy.  I need to eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of water and exercise.  These things seem simple enough.  The rewards of doing them are great.  Why can't I wrap my mind around actually implementing them into my lifestyle?  It seems I have to resort to self brain washing in order to even do one of these things on a daily basis.  I want to feel good.  I have spent the past three weeks feeling pretty.....crappy--that seems to be the best word at the moment.  I have had headaches, stomach aches, back pain, chest pain and I am always tired.  The doctor thinks that my gallbladder might be the culprit.  They gave me medication for acid reflux and ordered an ultrasound.  Since taking the medication I have felt increasingly worse.  Today the chest pains were so bad that they wanted me to go to the ER.  I didn't think this was necessary, but they said it was better to be safe than sorry.  I spent 6.5 hours of my life in the ER today.  I had a "to do" list a mile long.  I had a lot to accomplish today.  I didn't accomplish much of anything though. I was poked, prodded, x-rayed, poked again and then told that I was very healthy.  Healthy??  I am overweight and having chest pains.  They said they couldn't explain the chest pains but that I wasn't in jeopardy of dying today so I could go home.  Thanks--couldn't I have spent my day running errands with my healthy chest pains?  I believe that I need a complete and total life make over.  I have needed this for awhile but every time I try I overwhelm myself and go back to old habits.  I need to learn the art of starting small and working my way up to bigger and better things.  They did tell me to reduce my stress.  Stress is the leading cause of unexplained aches and pains.  Stress does crazy things to the body.  How do you de-stress when you do it subconsciously?  My subconscious self doesn't listen very well.  At least I'm not conscious of it listening.   Then there is the fact that I am blogging about my aches and pains.  That can't be good.  There are a thousand other things I want to blog about.  I just got stuck in the ER today so I couldn't blog.  I could just sit there and quietly people watch.  It seems Mondays at Kaiser are a busy day for EKG's.  At least seven other people were there because of chest pains.  All but one were sent on their way.  We must all be stressed.  They did give me this terrible tasting "GI" cocktail that was supposed to help if the pains were actually in my GI tract.  It made me gag, but it didn't do a thing to make me feel better.  I wonder if my body will go completely into shock if I try feeding it healthy food every day?  I wonder what is healthy for my body.  When I eat yogurt people say that dairy really isn't that good for you.  When I eat whole wheat bread they tell me that it isn't really healthy and that I shouldn't eat carbs anyway.  I guess I need to figure out what works for me.  I have to say goodbye to fried foods, fast foods, my occasional Mt Dew and my addiction to ice cream.  I need to embrace salads, fruits, veggies, chicken and fish.  I have to quit looking at the damn yoga video and actually put it in and push play.   I need to take my walking buddies up on walking and get back to water aerobics now that I have a weight belt and don't have to struggle with the killer noodle.  I need to hold myself accountable.   I have too many things to do to be sidetracked by mystery pains. I am going to make the choice to feel good.  Hopefully my subconscious is listening..........

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