Thursday, January 23, 2014

The Strange Woman in My Mirror

Recently my friend told me that when she looks in her mirror she sees a chunky, middle aged woman who looks really tired.  I find that astonishing because when I look in my mirror I see the same thing!  I don't recognize the stranger with the tired eyes and pale face.  I wonder if that is who my friend sees.  I believe that my mirror is defective and there should be a recall notice.  I wonder how many other people are seeing this woman in their  mirrors?  She weighs more than I do, is older than I am and just looks exhausted.  I think she needs a tropical vacation that includes a a hammock and a tropical drink with an umbrella.  At the very least she needs a decent nights sleep and  good concealer.
I tried in vain to find me in the eyes of the woman in the mirror.  There was no sign of me at all.  I should be average height, average weight, brown hair, sparkly brown eyes and bounds of energy.  This woman is pasty white, bloated, has dark circles under her eyes and needs to comb her hair.  She doesn't look very interesting at all and probably eats too much processed food.  It doesn't matter what time of the day or night I check, the chunky chick is still there looking perplexed.  I think she is just as surprised to see me as I am to see her.  I'm at a complete loss as to why she is hanging out in my mirror.  I wonder how she has time to hang out in my friends' mirror when she is always in mine!
I try to imagine the life of the woman in the mirror.  I see her reading way too many books in dark rooms when she should be out in the fresh air hiking or working in the yard.  I think books are good in moderation, but this woman reads obsessively.  I think she is trying to escape her mundane life or something.  I'm not sure why she reads so much.  Maybe it isn't a bad thing.  She just seems to need balance.  Maybe if she read a few of the books on her nightstand regarding health and fitness she would learn balance.  Instead she picks them up, hesitates, then puts it back down preferring the fictional characters to the hard cold facts of what she needs to do in order to make the changes she day dreams about.
I sense her fear of failure, her low self esteem and the many little battles she has lost against herself.  She is defeated before even really trying.  Her intentions are good and she has a big heart.  She just lacks the courage and drive.  She needs ambition and the tiny seed of faith.  I wish I could give it to her.  She is stubborn though and doesn't hear me when I try to reason with her.  She just puts me off until tomorrow.  I will visit with her again in the morning. I hope to see color in her cheeks, a sparkle in her eye and just a tiny bit of confidence.  Maybe I will even catch a glimpse of me.  I have to be in there somewhere since it is a mirror.
I'm curious as to how many other people have strangers living in their mirrors.  Maybe there needs to be a massive recall on defective mirrors.  While they are recalling the mirrors, they may want to recall my scale as well~don't even get me started on that!

1 comment:

  1. Oh Lana, I so relate to this.... Yes, I too have someone in my mirror looking back at me who seems to be a stranger... She defies everything I see and I believe myself to be so much better than that. It should be a law that when mirrors are made, we have a choice of who and what it is we get see on the reflective side .... :) thank you for the smiles.......<3
