Monday, January 6, 2020

Finding Joy.......

In 2013 I started this blog as a way to connect with others who were navigating life while searching for significance. I have loved writing my entire life and am constantly coming up with stories and ideas in my head. Self doubt has kept me from actually finishing a writing project and also from blogging regularly. With each new year we take a moment to think of new possibilities for the coming year. Sometimes we make promises to ourselves in the form of resolutions. I stopped making resolutions because breaking them always made me feel like a complete failure. I have however taken time each year to reflect on the previous year and to dream of new adventures and changes that I would like to see in the coming year.  Dare I say that in 2020 my time to write is here. The need for excuses is over. It is simply time for me to focus on the things that make me happy in life. Writing, Photography, genealogy, family and friend time, travel and connecting with people. It is time to dust off this blog and Rediscover, Reinvent and Rewrite life once again. The world changes rapidly and the ability to learn new things, to be flexible when needed, to adapt to change and to be the best possible version of ourselves are key to finding joy and balance. Joy and Balance are my goals for 2020. Joy is something that we forget to seek as we struggle with the mundane on a daily basis. It can be found in things big and small.  I encourage you to make a list of the things that bring you joy whether it is a cup of hot cocoa while sitting in front of the computer on a rainy day; snuggling up to a beloved grandchild; discovering treasure in unlikely places or simply just waking up to a new day there is always joy to be found.

I will be attempting to blog more often. I will not put a number or a timeline on it as I don't want to set myself up for another failure. Instead I will write when I am able whether it be on this blog, one of my projects or in my gratitude journal. My journey this year is also going to be about being present, being kind and developing my emotional intelligence skills. I love the book that we were asked to read at work. I have learned so much about myself and the things that I need to work on. Life is a journey--make your own map. You may get lost on the way or make a few detours. The journey is part of the adventure!

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