Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Blog and other four letter words......

Four letter words have a bad rap.  I have been known to drop an "F" bomb or two.  That happens when you've been married to a Longshoreman for over 22 years. I used to have a pretty clean mouth, but just last month my husband actually told me to clean up my language.  I wonder where he thinks I learned it?   I never heard my parents use four letter words.  When he was 12, a "preacher man" told my father that the only reason people use bad language is because they are too ignorant to think of better words to use to express themselves.  I have a very hard time saying the "C" word though.  Luckily I have only been called that once or twice and never by anyone who mattered.  What an ugly word.  I think those are probably the worst of the four letter words..  Another one that bites when it comes to my computer is spam!  Blog is a four letter word.  I am hoping it is a good one though.   I am slow at understanding exactly how it all works.   Just finding my way back to my account took a bit of detective work.  It isn't rocket science or brain surgery, so I should eventually figure it all out.

What do I hope to accomplish with this blog?  I'm not 100% sure.  I guess I will just have to see where it takes me.

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