Saturday, January 12, 2013

Drunk Blogging

I wonder if drunk blogging is anything like drunk dialing or drunk texting.  I myself don't drink very often so can't say that I have ever drunk dialed or drunk texted anyone.  I did drink a bit much at dinner tonight, so I am attempting to drunk blog.   At dinner I was told that my blog was entertaining.  I was so very happy that my friend had even read my blog.  When I write something and post it, I just kind of send it out there into cyber space and don't really think about anyone actually reading it.  It is kind of like sending a prayer or making a diary entry.  You write it, get it out of your system and then forget about it.  I never reread anything I write.  I think that is why it has been hard to finish my novel.  I have to keep rereading it and I find fault every time I read it.  I need to just write it straight through then send it off to be edited.

I have gotten some great feedback from friends about the blog.  The problem is that if you want to subscribe or make comments I guess it asks questions and wants information from you.  Sorry about that.  I guess that is what I get for finding a free and easy blog spot.  I might need to do a little research and see if there is a more user friendly/reader friendly place to blog.  It may be here awhile longer though because I can't see myself having any time in the foreseeable future to figure it all out.

I meant to only have one little blackberry margarita at dinner tonight.  I would have just drank my one and been happy, but Shannon ordered a blackberry daiquiri.  They used coconut rum to make the daiquiri and Shannon didn't care for it.  I couldn't let the poor drink sit there and go to waste, so I drank it as well.  My cheeks got very warm, I started feeling really good and then of course I started talking.  I am not sure what all I talked about.  I know some of what I said was probably inappropriate but everyone looked thoroughly entertained, so I won't worry too much.  I just remember saying that I would add another blog entry since it has been a few days.  So here I am drunk blogging and not having anything in particular to blog about.  

One margarita and one daiquiri for me is enough to make me fuzzy and impaired.  It is kind of a nice feeling at the moment though.  With my dieting this week I do vaguely worry about the calories I consumed, but knowing that this is not something that I do too often, I will stop worrying about it.  I actually don't think I want to worry about anything, I am feeling too good to worry.   So back to drunk calling.  I have received a few drunk calls in my life, but don't ever recall making any.  I am trying to think of who I would call if I were drunk enough.  Maybe Michael.  Michael and I have the same taste in men and have had a few common crushes.  Drunk or sober, Michael makes everything funny.  Michael and I could be super busy and not talk to each other for six months.  I could call him out of the blue and we would talk like we just talked yesterday.  I am so lucky to have several friends like that. For some reason things come out of my mouth around Michael that I would NEVER admit to anyone else.

Of course if I was drunk enough, I would probably tell crazy stories to a complete stranger.   Crap, I don't even have to be drunk.  Get me in the right mood, put me in front of a few strangers and you can't even imagine what might come out of my mouth.  I have friends who hold their breath because I can be so random that they have no clue what is going to come out next.  I need to learn to write like that, to just let go and write for the sake of writing.  See what comes out when I don't think, just type.   The ramblings of a frumpy, drunk soccer mom.   No, being a soccer mom isn't as bad as people make it sound.  I know a few crazy soccer mom's, but most of us are pretty normal.  The ones I know are not your boring run of the mill soccer mom's.  We have wild and crazy adventures and can be fun to be around.   Of course not everyone wants to run around with frumpy, forty something year old women.  Too bad---frumpy forty something year old women are more fun than you would imagine.   Okay,  I need to go drink some water, take a few Advil and think about work tomorrow.  I will put more time, effort and energy into the next post.  It probably won't be fueled by alcohol.

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