Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Truth About Sushi.......

This is a public service message for all of you who are not into Sushi because you "don't like raw fish".  Don't worry--there are many of you who believe that is what Sushi is.  It is a myth perpetuated by hamburger eating Americans who saw one type of sushi and labeled it as "raw fish".  Wikipedia describes sushi as a Japanese food consisting of vinegared rice combined with other ingredients.  The fancy stuff that you see on television and in magazines is not typical sushi.  A common type is the rice rolled around cucumbers which would be a "cucumber roll".  If you have never actually been to a sushi bar before it is worth a stop to see what comes around on the conveyor belt or what is pictured on their bright menu.  You will find a variety of flavors many of which don't include any raw fish at all.  Don't get me wrong--there are some of those, but they are easy to spot and can be avoided if you have a major aversion to them.  I am sure that it was hard for my parents to believe that their once finicky child actually eats raw octopus and raw squid.  I had the pleasure of taking them out for their only Sushi venture a couple of years ago.  They agreed that the seared salmon was good and enjoyed some of the vegetable rolls.  It was an experience that they enjoyed but they weren't in a hurry to do it again.  Besides the raw stuff they were probably just as shocked that one of my favorites is the Egg Plant Tempura Sushi.  Me eating Egg Plant?  Stranger things have happened.

When I was growing up I did not want to try new foods.  I knew that I liked cheeseburgers, pizza, lasagna, macaroni and cheese a few other things.  I steered clear of Chinese food that looked and smelled funny and most sea foods, vegetables and Mexican food.  Okay--tacos were okay, but my family makes weird tacos that consist of corned beef deep fried in corn tortillas.  Maybe it is a Southern thing, who knows.  I thought that was what all tacos were like!  I did become a fan of yakisoba noodles and shrimp when I was in high school.  This was a major step for me.

I didn't even try Chinese food until I was in my twenties.  Surprise, surprise, I liked it.  I was married and pregnant before I liked Mexican food.  I spent three years of my life in a job where I had to go to Mexico every few months.  On those trips I would find American restaurants or order re fried beans and cheese quesadillas.  I was horrified that two months after my last Mexico trip for the company I became pregnant and craved Mexican food!

What does all of this have to do with Sushi?  Probably not much--I'm just trying to point out that taste buds change and some foods do deserve a chance.  I was able to finally eat watermelon with my dad the last week of his life.  I spent my childhood reminding him how much I hated watermelon.  He thought it was funny because as a very small child I would get annoyed and remind him that I had told him fifty thousand times that I hate watermelon.  I love it now.

I will probably never like salmon eggs, raw eel or dozens of other offerings on the menu of a sushi bar.  Thankfully there are a lot of choices and I like many of them.  California rolls are safe and consist of rice, crab salad and cucumbers.  They are refreshing on a hot day.  Americans have gotten pretty creative in their quest to make signature sushi's so even Japanese people are surprised by some of the pairings.  I myself once teased a Southern cousin that I was going to make him some Texas Sushi with Spanish Rice, pulled pork and corn.  I haven't actually tried concocting that since I'm not really allowed in the kitchen much.  I can see someone coming along though and inventing it.

I have had the pleasure of introducing many of my friends and family to sushi.  It really is delicious.  I know there are still some of you who will steer clear.  Maybe you don't like rice or just the smells of the sushi bar make you nauseous.  If you have avoided it until now I dare you to take a chance.  Just go and try to find one thing that you like, you may be surprised.  If nothing else you can make it an adventure.   I have proceeded to make myself hungry.  I wonder if I can talk my husband into taking me for sushi.

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