Thursday, March 28, 2013

Oh Say Can You See???

Getting older has its challenges.  There are some things that you can't stop from happening no matter how well you take care of yourself.  My eyesight has always been great.  I can still see well on objects that are far away.  It is the small, close-up stuff that seemed to go from clear to blurry overnight.  I am getting to the point where I can't even read a text very well without a pair of glasses.   I am lucky enough to have good health benefits that include vision.  I have three pairs of glasses lying around--okay, four--I just don't know where the fourth pair is at the moment.

I have a great plan for my glasses.  I keep one pair by my computer, one pair by my bed and the final pair in my purse.  This plan should be solid and take care of my needs nicely.  Not so much.  I will be reading on the bed while wearing that pair and decide to go do something on the computer.  I don't take the night stand glasses off, I wear them into the office because they are already on my face.   Of course I get caught up on the computer for awhile and need to go downstairs.  I take them off and leave them by the computer where they stay because I am not going to take them back into my room.

I change purses now and then so sometimes my glasses make it into the new purse and sometimes not.  When I go to work I take a book bag instead and sometimes leave the glasses in the book bag.  Sometimes the glasses are not actually in the case that is in the purse or book bag.  I will go to put them on and find an empty case.   Then I have to ask myself where did I have them last??  Having three pairs of glasses is supposed to make my life easier, but like the elusive fourth pair, I just have more to misplace.  

Last night I took the muscle relaxant that my doctor gave me right before heading to bed.  My usual night time routine is to read for thirty-sixty minutes before turning out the light.  Sometimes my husband wants to read and other times he is annoyed because I am really into a good book and don't want to turn out the light.  Last night he was reading.  I was going to but my glasses were not on the night stand where they were supposed to be.  I could have gotten up and foraged in the office to find them.  No, my medicine was kicking in and I didn't want to move.  I was actually comfortable.  My husband asked me why I wasn't reading.  I could have told him the truth but that would have made me sound way too lazy.   I also could have nicely asked him to go get my glasses, but why make him get up--that would make me feel even lazier.   I told him I was too tired to read and that I just wanted to go to sleep.  He read for thirty minutes and I couldn't sleep because of the light.  I held my tongue.  I didn't complain, I didn't do the heavy sigh that he does when he is annoyed.  I just relaxed and let my brain wander.   I think I even wrote a chapter of my book in my head though of course I forgot all of it since I didn't write it down.  

Maybe I will look for that fourth pair of glasses and put them in the night stand drawer.  It couldn't hurt to have a spare next to the bed in case I ever feel too lazy to fetch my glasses again.   Maybe I will clean my desk as well so that two pairs of glasses don't get buried and need to be dug out.   As for the purse pair, I will have to keep working on that one til I get it right.  I will have to have a rule of actually checking the case before putting it into a purse or bag.   Maybe I need to stop thinking so much........

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